maandag 31 december 2012

Top 200 of my all-time favorite music

It's the end of the year, which meant a lot of work for me this time. I was trying to put together a photobook of 2011 and 2012 containing all my travel photos because I had a discount voucher that was valid until 31 December 2012 and also I was working on a list with my all-time favorite music.

I listened to more than 500 songs and ranked them with the initial idea to make a top 300. However, due to time constraints and the feeling that the songs after song number 201 were not really worth being in the list of my favorite music, I decided that a top 200 would be enough for this year.

Since Blogspot makes it impossible for me to post the list on my weblog, I had to put it on another old website I still have. Click HERE to view the list, which for the first time contains hyperlinks to the music videos of some songs.

I wish you all a happy and productive 2013.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I don't understand people who have time for this... :P :D

  2. It's just my hobby. If you would use all the time you spend reading and writing all those blogs to make such a list, I'm sure you could even make a top 1000. :D
